Cold weather is here. Remember to add your heat pack + insulation to your cart!
Clear orchid pots
from $1
Plastic moss pole sheets - stackable
from $4
UNI HEAT - 72 hour heat pack + Insulation combo
Regular price $8
Square Clear orchid pots
Clear acrylic plant trellis
from $3
North Shore Tropicals - Aroid media- 3L
Regular price $9
Osmocote 14-14-14
Clear plant tags (set of 25)
Regular price $5
Gift Certificate
from $7.31
Sphagnum moss -150 grams
Regular price $11
Anthurium card bundle - 3 cards
Prints bundle - 3 prints
Regular price $26
Greeting card bundle - 4 cards
B29- anthurium luxurians x tezula AOS dark form (multiple available)
Regular price $33
B33- 3877-monstera standleyana aurea
Regular price $19
B33-3977-philodendron sodiroi
Regular price $30
B34-0251- philodendron Florida beauty - mid cut
Regular price $15
B34-0250- philodendron Florida beauty - mid cut
B34- 3844- Anthurium indo dressleri x papillilaminum
Regular price $48
B33- 4034-Anthurium pallidiflorum
Regular price $44
B32- 4016- Anthurium forgetii
B32-4091-Anthurium crystallinum black
B32-4143-Anthurium crystallinum black
Regular price $37
B32-4036-Anthurium crystallinum
Regular price $22