Cold weather is here. Remember to add your heat pack + insulation to your cart!
B94-0134- anthurium ‘vag’ x luxurians
Regular price $25
Sold out
B94-0131-anthurium Minahasa
Regular price $45
B91-0071- anthurium silver blush prop
Regular price $20
B91-0067- anthurium ‘vag’ x luxurians
B89-0034-anthurium peltigerum
Regular price $30
B88-0018- anthurium indo Fort Sherman x Fort Sherman
Regular price $75
B88-0012- anthurium NOID (lost tag)
B84-0975- anthurium magnificum x papillilaminum GY
B94-0145-anthurium Crystal hope x Crystal black
B94-0142-anthurium Crystal hope x Crystal black
B94-0140-anthurium forgetii x tezula red crystallinum
B94-0138-anthurium (mag x forgetii) x (aos x dark mama)
B93- 0110- anthurium wendlingeri
B93- 0109- anthurium wendlingeri
B91-0061- anthurium ‘vag’ x luxurians
B91-0059- anthurium clarinervium x open pollinated
B91-0058- anthurium clarinervium x open pollinated
B89-0038-anthurium peltigerum
B89-0033-anthurium peltigerum
B89-0032-anthurium peltigerum
B89-0029- anthurium peltigerum
B88-0013- anthurium indo Fort Sherman x Fort Sherman chonk
B87- 1019- anthurium mag verde
Regular price $15
B87- 1014- anthurium mag verde